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Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns about my services. I am always happy to hear from you and help you to achieve your fitness goals.


If you have any questions about my services or would like to learn more about how I can help you achieve your fitness goals, please fill out the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Here are some answers to common questions about my services. If you don't see your question answered here, please don't hesitate to contact me.

  • Do I have to give up my favorite foods/drinks?
    Absolutely not! Creating a sustainable no restrictions lifestyle is the goal! During the weight loss phase, there is an added level of commitment that is needed in order to see results, but nothing is off limits! I teach you how to incorporate your favorite foods into your nutrition program!
  • Do I have to have a gym membership?
    Absolutely not!! I meet you where you're at with what you have. If possible, I do recommend slowly building your home equipment for maximum results but it is not required to get started. Tip: if you are looking to get equipment for home, start with bands and a couple dumbbells!
  • Why should you choose MC Training?
    In short, because it works. But in all seriousness, because I was you and understand what it takes to get to where you want to go. I have tried all the diets, all the exercises, all the counting, all the restricting. I have experienced all the frustrations, all the tears, all the fears. Along with personal experience, I have the science and research based background to ensure that my programs are proven to work. I am an expert in body mechanics and movement science. I'm not another trainer that just got a certification online. I have spent years tailoring an approach to health and fitness that WORKS and is actually sustainable. I will be the last coach you need. Welcome :)
  • Do I have to track all my food?
    I do recommend for all my clients to track their calories + macros starting out. It is an easy and proven way to build awareness to what you're eating and protein intake. It does not have to be a forever thing! Part of your coaching includes learning how to maintain and intuitively eat during situations where tracking is not applicable!
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